Wednesday 6 April 2011

Renewable Heating Incentive RHI

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The goverment has recently announced a new scheme which is great news for Building Workshop and all of our clients.  It's called the Renewable Heating Incentive RHI.  It is similar to the Feed In Tariffs that exist, where people are paid to generate energy using windmills, however it is much more accessible to people on a domestic scale - simply to heat their own houses.  

At a time when fossil fuels are running out and oil is getting more and more expensive, it couldn't be better.  Britain is currently one of the least effective countries in the EU at generating energy for heating using renewables, hence the very tempting incentives for us to change our tune.  Germany and the Scandinavian countries are at the top, as usual!  Once again, we need to follow their example.

Have a look at the government's Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC)'s Press Release.    

Exciting times!  The types of heating systems that will qualify for this scheme are biomass boilers (log, wood chips, wood pellets), geothermal (ground source heat pumps), and solar thermal.

 Photos from Building Workshop,,

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