Friday 1 April 2011

Holy Cow! - our favourite design company

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The lovely company that designed Building Workshop's website have recently updated theirs.  

We came across Holy Cow! because they'd designed a website for the cool lighting company, Davey Lighting.

Andy and Sue at Holy Cow! have been really busy designing websites, brochures, identities and all sorts of things for companies all over the UK.  They have their office in an old cow shed too so we have lots in common!  

Their work is really friendly, colourful, inspirational and professional too.  Here are some of our favourite things that they've been working on recently:

A really simple and friendly brochure, for the heating company GAH, which explains all of the possible heating systems available...


They've done some work for a chartered surveyor.  We love the artwork and especially the embossed house design:

An annual report for a brewery with nice pictures...

Building Workshop's website is featured on their website now too!

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