Tuesday 15 March 2011

Salford Museums

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On the way north from the Cotswolds, we stopped in Salford - which is to the west of Manchester - and visited the Lowry and the Imperial War Museum North.  The collection of original Lowry paintings was wonderful to see, especially the paintings showing crowds of people outside factories, rushing to the football ground and congregating in the streets. 

Just over the bridge is the Imperial War Museum North.  It opened in 2002 and was designed by the Berlin based architect Daniel Libeskind.  The museum was really interesting with very original displays, such as an enormous room with filing cabinet-type drawers going all the way up to the ceiling.  Each drawer belonged to someone who was caught up in WW2 and had information about the person, some of their belongings and their involvement. 

We particularly liked the graphic design from WW2.  There were numerous posters giving messages to the population, everything from the well known Make do and mend, to the importance of eating your greens and how to dress.    

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